
Concept Explanation


A mixture is a material containing two or more elements or compounds that are in close contact and mixed together in any proportion. The components of a mixture can be separated by simple mechanical or physical means. Some examples are:

  • Air is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour (moisture) and a small amount of other substances.
  • Gunpowder is a mixture of nitre (potassium nitrate), sulphur and coal.
  • Steel is a mixture of iron, carbon, and small amounts of nickel, chromium, manganese and vanadium.
  •      Difference between Compounds and Mixtures                      

      Compounds  Mixture`
    Definite elements are present in a definite ratio Substances mix in any ratio

    Elements combine chemically to form a compounds

    Constituents lose their properties Constituents retain their properties
    Their constituents cannot be separated by simple physical methods Their constituents can be separated by simple  physical methods.
    Considerable energy changes take place during the formation or decomposition of a compound. Energy changes do not take place during the formation  or decomposition of a mixture.
    A compound is always homogeneous in nature. A mixture may be homogeneous or heterogeneous  in nature.


    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Among the following substances, which one is a mixture?

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Mixture is _________________.

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Which of the following is mixture ?

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
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